Sectioning - Figure 1
Divide the hair into two symmetrical diagonal sections from the
temples to the neck. (Panels A, B, D-see next step)
Divide panel B into 2 symmetrical triangles. (C panels)
Sectioning - Figure 2
Divide the hair into two symmetrical diagonal sections from the
temples to the neck. (Panels A, B, D)
Divide panel B into 2 symmetrical triangles. (C panels)
Cutting Step 1
Divide panel A into horizontal sections that run parallel to the shoulders. Bring all of the hair into the first section, which serves as the guideline
Cutting Step 2
Divide panel B into diagonal sections that are parallel to each other. Bring all of the hair to the first guide section.
Cutting Step 3
Panel A: Take a vertical section from the center of the panel and raise it so that your fingers are parallel to the round part of the head. Use the center section as a guideline. Layer all the sections over the guideline section.
Cutting Step 4
Panel B: Using the crown of the head as the guiding section, trace parallel and diagonal sections, creating a gradually increasing separation from panel A.
Cutting Step 5
Panel C: Create a vertical, graduated cut by layering all the sections over the previous ones to create more volumes in the side panels. Panel C is totally separate from and shorter than the rest of the cut.
Cutting Step 6 - A
Panel D: Using the central line of the bangs as a guide, divide panel D into internal diagonal sections. Layer all the sections over the guide to create rounded bangs.
Cutting Step 6 - B
Finally, make sure the edges are even.
Styling Look 1
Dry and style with SDL Diamante Illuminating Polish and SDL Diamante Illuminating Mega Hairspray for a more polished look.
Styling Look 2
Alternatively, break up curls to create more volumes using SDL Diamante Illuminating Mega Hairspray.
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